First day: Austrian people arrive! All of us (spanish people) were so nervous because of this event! We thought that it would be an unforgettable experience... and it is! At first Austrian people seemed a little bit shy, but that wasn't a problem. On Tuesday: It was Marlene's birthday! And we (my sister, my parents and me) decided to give her some presents. My parents gave her a leather case with pens. Me and my sister bought a frame where we put a photo of ours and a set of candles . Then all the Spanish people gave her a cap, a scarf, a clock, a bracelet and an elephant felt. I think that she liked all the presents a lot! Well, I hope so.
All this week we were getting in contact with them and finding out some of their customs. I think that their customs are a very important thing for them because they can't put them out, I mean, I think that it's difficult for them to adapt. On Friday, we went to Alcala, just to show them some places and to have a walk there... we went to McDonal's...
On Saturday I organised a party at home because I wanted all the Austrian people to have fun! At the beginning I was thinking about a normal party, but then I realized that it was carnival! And I decided to prepare a carnival party =). In this week we are relating more each other and I think everything is going better. I hope that all our guests will have a great time in Toledo and then here, in Madrid, because on Friday and on Saturday we are going out.